Is it possible to weld aluminum diamond plate?

by Pork
(Plano, Texas, US of friggin A)

I am learning and reading and watching before I go out and buy....before I give it a try.
(There aren't any local welding classes-I've looked)
I am making a bed floor for an old truck project, and I have many sheets of thick alum diamond plate. I would like to weld the backside of the seams together.

Is it possible to weld aluminum diamond plate with an inexpensive (Chicago or Lin) welder. I may only do this once or twice in my life, so I don't wanna drop a load. I know that I could pay someone, but I would like to at least try. Thanks!



People weld aluminum diamond plate all the time.

But for someone with very little experience, it would be one big pain in the ass.

Welding Aluminum aint that hard once you learn, but learning takes a while.

from what you have said, i would not try it.,..unless you can get someone to jump start you by showing you what to do for about an hour.

just my two cents,

good luck ,


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Dec 30, 2014
comment NEW
by: Anonymous

Not desirable, exact answer of what expected.....

Jan 31, 2010
by: Anonymous

Yeah I undestand. That is why I was palnning on welding the backsides and not the straight up visible seems. I plan on trying with a machine that I purpose purchased from HF-if it doesn't turn out-no huge loss. I appreciate the advice y'all!

Jan 23, 2010
Sounds like a great project!
by: Anonymous

Hello Pork,
Josh here,
I am actually a welding student at a school here in San Diego, and I have Aluminum Dianmond plate too for a project I am about to do. I would say probably to have someone do it as Aluminum is tricky to master. It didnt take me very long to learn GTAW..Or even GMAW using a spool of 4043 electrode wire. I think it looks nicer of course as anyone would say with the GTAW process,it looks nicer because of the "Stacked Dime" look- On Diamond plate would look nice if you just layed the welds on top rather than from the underside of the diamond plates, and polish it up. You will have a nice looking bed. So basically, Im saying have someone to do it..It takes precise control so that burn through doesnt occur if your a noob and dont yet have a feel for footpedel. Or go Invest in a machine. Good Luck!

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