info on flux core welding

by bucky

I work for a steel mill service company and we do maintenance on slag pots using .120 innershield wire. The cracks we weld up are 4 inches deep and its mild steel. What is a good recommended wire speed and heat setting to help prevent cracks from forming after the weld is complete?


Lincoln nr203 nickel or some other wire with some nickel content should help prevent cracking.

also , a good preheat goes a long way in preventing cracks from forming as the weld cools

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Sep 13, 2014
by: Benjamin .k,

is it possible to convert from a different manufacturing welding product code into another?


DLQ212 shovelteeth 1.2mm-1.6mm 50-60

convert the above diameter into say, NR 212 OR NR 311 Lincoln fluxcore wire.

Many thanks


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