im doing open root fcaw plate and i keep blowing holes in the sides why ?

by lonnie seeling
(phoenix az)

im doing open root fcaw plate and i keep blowing holes in the sides why?


many fcaw wires have data sheets with really good recommended settings.

I suggest you go to the manufactures website and dig around using the wire spec as search term along with the word "settings".

It sounds like you are using too much amperage

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Sep 27, 2015
???? NEW
by: Anonymous

You will most likely trap slag. If you are going to try and put a FCAW root in plate will need to put a good landing on your metal. A knife edge bevel will be quickly eaten away. Colder settings might help.

Sep 27, 2015
by: Anonymous

That's a cardinal sin in welding. Gmaw root 1st will help you from blowing through. FCAW root will trap slag. I'm a code welder, Flux core root on my job would get me walked to gate unemployed. This type of practice is as bad as not cleaning and preheating metal. Just don't do it. A life might hang in the balance over the integrity of a slagged up FCAW root with possibly fatal results.

Oct 16, 2011
Bad news
by: Anonymous

You shouldnt use FCAW on an open root. Big chance of slag inclusion. Anyways, turn your volts down and remember that your wire speed is your amps.

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