How to keep narrow weld beads in aluminum

by Bob K.

Hi, I'm welding 3/16" and 1/4" aluminum for a boat project. The welds are sound and look good but I'm having a problem keeping the beads the correct width. I would like to keep my beads to a real 3/16" when welding material that thickness. My welding equipment consists of a Millermatic 350p with an Aluma Pro gun using 100% argon gas with 3/64" aluminum wire. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


anyone got any suggestions.???

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Jan 21, 2010
Narrow aluminum weld bead......
by: Steve

Maybe try dialing in some .035 wire if you can. Little less deposition. For me, concentrating on travel speed adjusting as the weldment heats up works. Good luck , let us know how u make out.

Jan 21, 2010
suggestions / conditions
by: onglu2

are u getting the wider bead from the beginning to end or as the material gets up to pre-heat temp. u find that the bead starts to widen . if u can increase your travel & wire speed & not to the point of a cold weld deposit u might find it the beed a little more narrow. u can also add some prep to the edges might help with the faster travel speed .if u change your angle to a more horizontal angle / more spatter thou it will help narrow the width as well . also for a perfectly consistent weld u must have the perfect tac's & fit .hope this helps

Jan 21, 2010
Weld Bead Width In Aluminum
by: Anonymous

The wire speed is correct according to perameters listed on the welder. I'm pushing the weld bead using approximately 30 cfh of argon gas. There are two adjustments on the welder which may reduce the bead width. They are arc length and arc control. Any ideas how to use these to get the desired results. The owner's manual is a litte vague here.

Jan 21, 2010
Reply to Aluminum Welds for boat
by: Anonymous

Is your wire speed and amperage parameters properlly adjusted? What is the Working pressure from the gas your using at? Please excuse me then if your already past that point..good luck!

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