how long does it take to weld a 16 inch sch. 40 carbon steel pipe with flux core wire

by charles pearson

how long does it take to weld a 16 inch sch. 40 carbon steel pipe butt weld pipe with flux core wire

i dont know.

everyone has their own pace.

one guy turns and burns and knocks it out in an hour but has a 10% reject rate.

another takes twice as long but hardly ever gets a reject.

there is no definitive answer.

Somewhere, there is a balance between quality and qty.

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May 31, 2012
16 in pipe welding NEW
by: Anonymous

1 hour to weld a sch 40 pipe is absolutely ridiculous. It would take 4-5 passes. That is 21 feet of weld. It would take you 1/2 hr to get the pipe in place and positioned and even more to tack seams.

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