help with up hill mig setting on linclon 255xt

by frank
(san diego)

can you give me some heads up on the settings for up hill 1/4" I'm using a 255xt linclon. Thanks


if you are using .035" er70s6 wire, you need somewhere around 230-280 inches per minute (ipm)...depending on the joint type..

a tee joint will handle more heat and wire speed than a lap or butt.

the best way to really figure ipm is press the trigger and count off 6 seconds, like thousand one...thousand two...

measure the wire that fed, round off to the nearest whole inch and add a zero.

24 inches equals 240 ipm.

then, adjust voltage to get a good bacon sizzling sound and a smooth arc with almost no spatter.

that will be around 18-19 volts most likely.

machines are different because they are not all calibrated to read exact figures for voltage or wire speed.

here is a video on welding vertical uphill that i hope you will find helpful

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May 25, 2011
by: frank

I want to thank you, I'll give it a try to night.

May 25, 2011
255xt settings
by: Anonymous

On my Lincoln 255c i use 17.8 and 210 for vertical up mild steel 1/4" .035 70s6 esab wire 75/25

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