help with multi run fillet weld!

by Gus

Doing my cert in Oz,first test is fillet weld three runs,three stop starts....I can get peno ok, but appearance with the three runs ...well never quite good enough!....any tips ....thanks!!


Snip the wire always before a restart

brace yourself firmly holding the gun with one hand and bracing/propping the gun with the other so that when you pull the trigger, you dont get off track.

for restarts, try not to wait any longer than required. it starts better when hot.

try to start about 1/4" 6mm in front of the puddle crater and quickly swoop in before reversing direction

try to plan one bead ahead for evenness and placement.

its easy to say..hard to do.

good luck


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Jan 28, 2013
Multi-Pass Fillet GMAW NEW
by: dpg

get your first bead in the best you can, the same amount of weld bead on the bottom of the plate as on the vertial stem plate. the books say to use a bisect for the gun angle, I like mine a little more facing the stem plate. the second bead will overlap the first about 2/3, with a gun angle facing a little more downward, keep it even, no cold roll. the third bead will overlap the second bead about 1/2 to 2/3, lower your gun angel so it is facing the stem plate a little more than the first bead. practice it a lot. I've been trying to find YT vids on this to show my high school class, with no luck. You gotta practice, though.
unless you are running some really thick steel, 1/2"plus,I'd run either 20V and 286 ipm or even better, 22V and 370ipm. have fun!! dpg

Jan 28, 2013
Multi-Pass Fillet GMAW NEW
by: dpg

get your first bead in the best you can, the same amount of weld bead on the bottom of the plate as on the vertial stem plate. the books say to use a bisect for the gun angle, I like mine a little more facing the stem plate. the second bead will overlap the first about 2/3, with a gun angle facing a little more downward, keep it even, no cold roll. the third bead will overlap the second bead about 1/2 to 2/3, lower your gun angel so it is facing the stem plate a little more than the first bead. practice it a lot. I've been trying to find YT vids on this to show my high school class, with no luck. You gotta practice, though.
unless you are running some really thick steel, 1/2"plus,I'd run either 20V and 286 ipm or even better, 22V and 370ipm. have fun!! dpg

Jul 06, 2011
3 run fillet welder setup

On a t-piece: Getting a good looking first run. Second run doesn't look nearly as good (downhand). And top run seems to have too much wire and get undercut at the top of the weld. Can u pls help with some tips in setting up the welder to prevent this. Thanks very much :)

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