Help with mig welding different thickness metals

by Nick

I am going to be joining a 3/8' plate to a 1/8 inch automotive frame. What technique should I use? Especially uphill welding?


try about 18 volts and roughly 210 ipm on the wire speed if you are using .035" e70 bare wire with 75/25 ar/co2

keep the stickout short and make small triangles.

watch this video...

mig welding uphill

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Feb 07, 2010
Plate, butt or lap?
by: Schoolboy

Weld "clean" on a frame. Weld 'into' the 3/8" - to: the 1/8 so you don't notch the frame and create a brittle HAZ.that could eventually crack out from stresse(s). What kind of load (if any) will the added 3/8"+ the weld have to handle? Also take care not to distort the frame (if applicable) from over-doing it.

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