
Help with metal core

what is the the difference from metal core and the the other process what do you run it on push or pull it?

what is the wire speed and some mentioned something about having to heat up the wire... i have never heard of that so i pretty much need a over view of 1/16 metal core and every thing about it.

i am a welder and i have done all the other process but a lot of people that try to talk about them dont really understand all the difference in the process.

i am pretty good at what i do and i may have ran metal core before and just not know it is there another name for it or what is it spray arc or what is the deal with it


there is a pretty good thread on millers welding forum for settings using metal core


Metal core wire has fine metal particles contained in a tubular wire and can lay down a lot of metal quick because of the efficiency of a bunch of fine metal particles melting instead of solid wire. It does require shielding gas like bare wire.

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Aug 06, 2014
Metal cored wire NEW
by: Anonymous

Can I weld uphill with metal cored wire

Aug 06, 2014
Metal cored wire NEW
by: Anonymous

Can I weld uphill with metal cored wire

Apr 18, 2014
welding tip metal core NEW
by: jose mascorro

How can I make pretty good. Weld in metal core how I setting the machine in ( amp's, volt's)

Jan 29, 2014
e80cni1 NEW
by: kR

spray arc you push the puddle at fifteen degree angle it is used in flat positions cored wire stuffed with metal way hotter than flux core wire

Jul 21, 2013
Metalcore NEW
by: Anonymous

Metalcore,is a tubular wire filled with a metal dust.It burns far Hotter then solid wire,and even fluxcore,and is therefore only recognised by CWB in the flat and horizontal positions only.

Apr 30, 2013
Don't really care for metal core wire. Hope this is helpful NEW
by: Will Weets

27amps wire speed 5-6 in all positions or 30 amps wire speed 6-7 for a faster weld with less splatter in all position. Push the puddle with a 45 angle on overheads and horizontal beads. And vertical and be don't at any angle. Don't weld over rust! This wire will have pinholes if metal has not been properly prepped.

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