help with fluxcore settings

by lynn
(houston, tx)

How would I run the amps and wire for horizontal 1"plate with fluxcore?


If you are working on a coded job, there should be a welding procedure to follow that lists the parameters needed.

if not...
With so many different brands of wire and specifications, its hard to nail down settings that work across the board.

I advise to look up the manufacturers web site and find the data sheet for the particular spec of wire.

this is an often overlooked resource and i have found the data sheets to be very helpful

if you dont know the brand, but can get the spec

(E70T-1, E71T-1, E81T1, E71T-8 etc)

then go to a reputable site like lincoln electric and locate the data sheet for that wire.

here is a link to what i am talking about at lincoln.

lets assume you are using lincoln nr 233 or another brand of E71T-8 spec flux core wire.

the lincoln data sheet has charts with recommended settings for different diameters of wire.

the cart for 1/16" diameter wire lists ranges of voltage settings and corresponding wire speed settings.

it looks something like this.

voltage inches per minute of wire

17-19 150
19-21 200
21-23 250
23-25 300
25-27 350

if it were me, I would probably start at around 23 volts and 250 inches per minute and work from there.

here is the pdf document I often use from lincolns site

lincoln flux core page

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