help with flux core

by Drew Uhl
(Oceanside, CA)

Love the website! I even bought a t-shirt!!!

I'm a novice flux core welder and loving's what my welds look like so far..any advice on how to make them better would be appreciated...thanks!


I cant tell a lot from the picture but it looks like you could use a bit more heat and you might need to slow down a looks like you are weaving and taking pretty big leaps...tighten up the stroke a little and watch it get better.

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Aug 04, 2011
by: Milt

I see the weaving, but his welds look clean! Mine are crispy with a lot of penetration. I switched polarity from the set up for MIG. For FCAW I'm using DCEP. My arc is great and the sound is really smooth. Should I go back?

Aug 04, 2011
by: Milt

I see the weaving, but his welds look clean! Mine are crispy with a lot of penetration. I switched polarity from the set up for MIG. For FCAW I'm using DCEP. My arc is great and the sound is really smooth. Should I go back?

Aug 04, 2011
by: Milt

I see the weaving, but his welds look clean! Mine are crispy with a lot of penetration. I switched polarity from the set up for MIG. For FCAW I'm using DCEP. My arc is great and the sound is really smooth. Should I go back?

Aug 04, 2011
by: Milt

I see the weaving, but his welds look clean! Mine are crispy with a lot of penetration. I switched polarity from the set up for MIG. For FCAW I'm using DCEP. My arc is great and the sound is really smooth. Should I go back?

Aug 04, 2011
by: Milt

I see the weaving, but his welds look clean! Mine are crispy with a lot of penetration. I switched polarity from the set up for MIG. For FCAW I'm using DCEP. My arc is great and the sound is really smooth. Should I go back?

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