help with flux core wire.

by Chris
(Brisbane ,Australia)

I seem to have so much splater with the flux core wire that i am using but the weld is not to bad.could it just be the brand of wire?

Cheers Chris



make sure you have the polarity set right for flux core. most self shielding flux core wires need dcen ....electrode negative.

also, try varying the stickout to find a sweet spot.

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Mar 17, 2012
Amps NEW
by: Anonymous

Make sure your amps are high enough, too many volts makes for a messy, wide weld

Jan 23, 2011
Flux core wire
by: Chris

Thank you for your input, and you were right changing the POLARITY fixed the problem with the flux core wire,the welder came with out the Manual.
Now back on track and the welder is working well.

Cheers Chris.

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