Help with flux core welding

by James
(Montreal, Quebec.)

We use flux core, as well as standard stick welding, for our industrial container repair shop. We are generally welding 1/8th mild steel. So, we are joining old with new material. The issue for us is welding with minimum cleaning/prep, therefore dealing with some paint and corrosion. The flux core process is not forming well, as we get some surface holes, or small fissures on the finished weld. Is this a matter of adjustment, or the wrong application for flux core? We are using Mison 8c gas with the flux core wire.


James, I think its pretty normal to get surface holes with flux core on nasty metal.

it is not nearly as forgiving as stick for contaminated metal.

some flux core wires are also pretty sensitive to voltage and stickout changes...and will get wormholes with a slight change in voltage.

I guess you have to weigh the benefits of speed and production and possibly just repair the holes with stick.

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