help with flux core settings up hill

help with flux core settings up hill.


for innershield tips techniques and settings, copy and paste this link

for dual shield flux core wires, use this one.

you can also use the miller weld calculator here ...

but the settings used on the miller weld calculator are pretty much for flat and horizontal.

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Oct 27, 2011
hot and fast
by: Anonymous

uphill or any dualshield...i had a problm when i first started using dual shield,even went back to school. no help at all. finally just started doing stupid stuff to see what worked. learned that usually if you think you are too hot you are really too cold. when you are running the right speed and heat the flux rolls up and falls off behind you. I took my certification test on a worn out p.o.s. that didnt even have marks on the dial for the heat. so i just cranked it to warp drive till it buzzed real smooth. passed the test with no problem,jsut dont get in a hurry and let her cool a tad between passes.

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