help with everything!

by Nathaniel
(claysville, pa, usa)

i just bought a 120amp/230watt dual chicago electric welding system model # 97503, mig welder from harbor freight and my out side breaker is a d 50

tried plugging it in to my dryer outlet but dont work.. only the on light will light up and the internal fan spins but thats all what should be the problem?


man, i really dont have a clue,

I would seriously consider taking it back.



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Feb 27, 2011
You need at least a 50 amp circuit.
by: Anonymous

The dryer 220 outlet in homes is only 30 amps. You need at least a 50 amp outlet for your welder to work. I had to rewire my garage with heavier wire and 60 amp circuit breakers to have my 220 welder to function. Otherwise, the 30 amp circuit breakers used to kick-out after one second of use.

Note: Your ground wire should be an 8 foot rod driven into the ground, and NOT routed back to the service box. If you don't understand the reason why, then have an electrician do the wiring.

Feb 27, 2011
earth to ground!!!
by: bill

i know it sounds silly but it sounds like the ground isn't connected somewhere along the line, possibly internaly.Just a thought

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