help with an arking problem

by tim

my miller 210 arks when touched to the metal before I pull the trigger.


I have a millermatic 250 that does that also.

but it is only a spark. It seems like some kind of capacitor discharge. It sparks once .

anyone else having this issue?

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Feb 18, 2015
Loose gun NEW
by: Cookie

I was taking a 1" plate test on carbon last week and I had the same issue. They had a Lincoln wire feed plugged to a miller unit. Had to set the dial on pulse arc. The tip kept arcing and sticking to the plate. Turned out the gun wasn't put together tight. After I tightened it up no more sticking.

Sep 28, 2011
by: Anonymous

My ESAB 215 Pro does it too, it's a capacitor discharging

Sep 13, 2011
by: Anonymous

The same thing happens at times with my Lincoln 252 I'm not sure if it's a ground problem( I mean the article being welded not touching the grounded table) or crusty stick out or tip back in to far( I use a slide on nozzle so this sort of thing happens now & then. It's a real pisser but I'm sort of relieved that it happens to a Miller as well.
On the subject of Lincoln, why did they make a machine that allows the fan to be on all the time? In the winter it's blowin cold air at the base of my feet, plus it's noisy as hell. Once the stinger touches the metal the fan goes on & when I'm done welding the fan will not shut off fof at least 10 secs. I've alwasys hated the extra noise as I'm a single guy shop & I like having the radio on. five years & I never got used to it BUT never even one problem ecept the handle on the gun is crap & I'm going to get a tweeco or Radnor they are screwed together instead of those locking rings Love what you do chico thomas steelsmith fab

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