help i get worm tracks in my fluxcore

by miles

i have been welding on heater treaters for years recently have noticed that i have been getting worm tracks only when i start welding the curves of a fire box but when i enter the flat position it is fine what is wrong? please help me also with proper setting on my dual feed miller machine it is a delta weld 600


wtt response,

slight changes in voltage and stickout can make a big difference in fixing wormholes.

try lower voltage only half a volt and increase stickout a little.

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Mar 06, 2014
Worm tracks NEW
by: James

He has given you some good answer however this is really and out-gassing issue. Other common problems are moisture on the metal when you weld it. Also if you have to much gas flow on your regulator can cause this. We have had this problem and when I go out and look at the regulator they will have it cranked up as high as it will go thinking it will over come the fans blowing at them. If you turn it down between 30-45 cubic feet per hour may solve your problem. Hope this helps.


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