help flux core overhead

by Travis

Hey i was just wanted to get a few tips here. I have to do a fcaw test in the overhead postion for cwb. Was wondering about the heats. Its a .045 wire and will most likely be 75-25 mix. Also was a little worried about burning the edge away and puddle falling out when welding the beveled side of the plate. The gun position should be just slightly forward and have about 1/4 inch stick out right?


stickout will probably be more like 1/2" for flux core.

I have found this resource very useful to find a starting place for flux core settings.

all manufacturers setttings are a little different but since you dont know what kind of wire you will be using, you probably can look up the settings.

copy some settings down on a cheat sheet and put it in your pocket just in case.

the miller settings always seem a little high on wire speed.

also the settings on the miller weld calculator are intended for 2f fillets so you might choose a lower thickness than you will be welding ...but its a good starting point.

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Nov 03, 2015
Polarity NEW
by: Coach Will

If your getting lots of slag and splatter from FCAW make sure to check your polarity. Dual shield is positive to the gun, single shield is negative to the gun.

May 20, 2014
fluxcore NEW
by: steve

Thankyou for the tips on flux core .I would just like to know what the correct voltage and speed should be when putting a root run in with 1-2 filler wire . The plate we are using is only 300grade mild steel which before welding we pre-heat just to take the chill off .We put a 3mm landing edge on the plate .This is in a 4g position.

Apr 10, 2014
rained on by massive spatter NEW
by: Anonymous

see this question was like three years ago, but i bet it was a grounding issue...

Oct 27, 2011
Overhead Spatter
by: ttocS


I'm a bit new to fluxcore but must say I love it... and I've been a welder since 1994 so I took right to it.

I'm also looking to take a 3/8" metal weld test (30 degree bevels) in overhead flux core with .045 wire.

I was running 75/25 gas, and was using 2 machines to weld with. One was a "roller machine" that the gun and spool was connected to and the other was just a welding machine that connected to and powered the "roller machine."

I had the welding machine heat set to 130 and the wire speed set to 230. That setting ran like a dream in vert & horiz. The slag was falling off with a flick of my finger.

When I went to do over head I was rained on by massive spatter... like more metal on the floor than on the practice plate.

Eventually I got it to "purr" again… but not exactly sure how… perhaps gun angle? I began to make very nice overhead welds. I switched out my practice metal for a test coupon and though it seemed like I changed nothing, the rain came back. Like everything was fine on my practice plate but as soon as I switched out for a test coupon, I couldn't get the metal to stick to my test plate.

Can anyone help with why that is? Is there a difference being "in the groove" for this symptom, than just running on the surface of a practice plate?

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