GTAW Cert Test

by Josh
(San Diego,California,United States)

I have a cert test coming at the school I go to in San Diego for Welding. I will be doing a 6"x6"x1/4" Stainless Steel plate fitted up as a V-groove joint. Between passes how long should I wait before I start another Weld bead? And should I reinforce the backside of the the test plate with any reinforcement so that the two plates dont bow upwards from the heat?


i would allow to cool to about 200 deg or less between passes. Almost to where you could touch it without burning yourself.

either use a welded stiffener if its allowed or preload the joint a little the other way...cause it will warp by the time your done.

ask the instructor about the acceptance criteria beforehand so you will know whats ok.

good luck,


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