ground clamp recomendations

by Alan

hi ive noticed you recomend the same miller ground clamp quit a bit with the shunt im wanting to take your advice and upgrade my hobart ironman 230 with that ground clamp but i cant seem to find a model number for it or anyplace to buy it. is there anyway you can give me a hand with locating one or getting a model for it so maybe i can order one? also just to check do you think this is a worthwhile upgrade for the ironman 230? im not the biggest fan of the one that came with it. also while i have you are there any other upgrades you would recommend for my welder.


i dont have the part n umber on hand but i will get it from a package i have at the shop.

i emailed you a blank email and blind copied myself as a reminder to send it to you .

one more idea is the wire lube applicators that pinch on the wire between the spool and feeder.

i will get the name of them and send that as well



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Dec 18, 2011
Update? NEW
by: jon

Any updates on part number or where these clamps can be purchased? Thanks.

Dec 19, 2010
by: Anonymous

Thank you very much I'll be looking for the email with the part numbers for the clamp and wire cleaner. Keep up the great work on the site. Thanks Alan

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