getting your weld to lay down?

by Jim

What is the best way to get your welds to lay down and not rise up? For example if I slap a bead down it looks like a worm lying on the flat steel. Also if I do a lap joint it looks the same way only in the 90 created by the lap.


typically, more heat and a shorter stickout help.

anyone else?

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Sep 17, 2012
it pays to have the right equipment NEW
by: Anonymous

What kind of machine you runnin? I found my skill increased with better welding machines. A good review site is:

Jul 30, 2012
getting your weld to lay down comment.. NEW
by: Gerald

Another thing that helps me is side to side weaving. Slightly pausing at the sides and fast across the middle. Don't go so fast the arc doesn't melt the base metal underneath.

This is most noticable when welding uphill.

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