G6 test wire MAG welding

by Cristian Gidinceanu

Can you please tell me what this test means exactly?


well first of all , the g6 is actually 6g

all that means is a pipe joint placed in a 45 degree fixed position.

usually the bevel on the pipe will be between 30 and 37.5 degrees with a .125" gap.

often times the root is run downhill, and the rest is uphill.

the only way to know for sure is to contact the test supervisor and ask.

every welding test is different depending on job scope.

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May 17, 2013
Mag welding tips NEW
by: Ally

Hi Joddy, I am a welder for more than ten years, I would to know more about mag welding tips and tricks. I watch your videos every week, it helps me a lot, you did a great job. God bless you and your family. Thanks

May 17, 2013
Mag welding tips NEW
by: Ally

Hi Joddy, I am a welder for more than ten years, I would to know more about mag welding tips and tricks. I watch your videos every week, it helps me a lot, you did a great job. God bless you and your family. Thanks

Aug 02, 2011
thank you
by: Cristian Gidinceanu

very good information

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