flux core with 80/20 gas

by nick

i am trying to weld esab 7100 series with 80/20 gas, the welds look good on appearance bot when i grind the toes of the weld it is full of porosity holes and all welds will be x rayed.


Some flux core wires are very sensitive to voltage and stickout.

try varying one thing at a time. use a bit less voltage first.

next try varying your stickout .

a longer stickout is needed for flux core than for bare wire.


anyone else got anything to contribute to this flux core welding problem?

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Aug 10, 2011
flux core
by: fillncap

could be many reasons for the defect ie leaking hoses on the torch/cylinder gages faulty,contaminated or old wire etc etc,
the gas your using should have enough co2 for most wires,but some wires require streight co2..make sure theres no scale or oxides on the plate/pipe joint..
when amps/volts/gas type/flow rate are correct the main cause of perosity (on pipe usualy what we in the uk call chevron or hering tail perosity )defects in my own experience is to much weld angle,this seems to cause the gas to blow over the allready solidified weld.

regards jay

Jul 10, 2011
esab wire
by: Jim (pa)

Here is a link i hope you find useful for the 7100 ultra wire. I tend to run more ipm to keep the nozzle cleaner.


Jul 10, 2011
esab wire
by: jim (pa)

I use 7100 esab wire in .045 with straight co2 and with 75/25 depending on the application. I can tell you that there are minimum voltage requirements to run this wire properly. .045 wire 24v 200ipm

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