Flux Core Welding Test

by Curt

I will be required to become certified with the company I recently started working for, but haven't been welding for a year now. The test will be conducted on 1" plate with backing strip in the 1G and 2G positions. It will then be x-rayed. Should I run my bead forehand or backhand to prevent picking up porosity? I attended technical college for welding, but I have forgot most of what I learned in the books due to not being able to find work and putting the knowledge to work.


A slight angle either forehand or backhand can both work if you dont use too much angle. straight in works too.

I would lean toward backhand for the 2g

one tip is that usually a 1/4 gap plus or minus 1/16" is the norm. I would go wide if possible to allow plenty of room to penetrate and consume the corners of the bevel

regards, and good luck


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Jan 15, 2011
Stringer Passes?
by: Curt

Thanks for your response, more sound welds come from non excess reinforcement. As long as the weld is consistent in good mesure without the droops and craters. This is what I remember the instructor saying, but my question is how many stringer passes should I make on the cover pass? The gap would be a greater of .750" approxamitly is my guess, I would end up burning out the top edge of the fillet groove. Without having a plan could turn things ugly for the final result (X-Ray)

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