flux core for 16 guage?

by Landon Russell
(Jonesboro, Arkansas, USA)

I have a 110 welder from harbor freight and im wanting to weld some 16 gauge steel plate. What wire speed and high or low heat?


every welder is slightly different but you have to start somewhere and the miller weld calculator is usually a good starting point for flux core welding.

here is a good link for you to figure out flux core settings.

its a good starting point....

click here for settings

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Dec 30, 2014
miller NEW
by: Anonymous

How does THE WELDING CO. Have a welding calculator that starts at just under.1/8th of an inch? Do they think people don't weld thinner metal ?
In all seriousness 99% of welding is light years behind the curve.
And how do you send a person asking about 16 gauge to that page?

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