Flux core ?

by Tom M
(Maryland )

I have a small firepower mig welder. I normally use gas. I had to do some overhead welding which was ok, but probably not very strong. I thought flux core could give me some better penetration so I bought some fabshield 23. I can't weld this wire even flat! So I tried a lincoln wire from home depot. A little better, but still sucks. I have played around with wire voltages, speed, and stick out. I have the polarity correct. Help.

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Apr 01, 2011
flux core comment
by: Jason

fist thing "penetration" has more to do whith
heat. most people dont weld over head hot enough.
gas shealded wire gives good penetration with
less chance of slag inclusion. Im not a fan of innersheald 211 types. some you cant weld multiple
passes whith out cracking. the 110 welders
dont have the volts with out pre heating the base
metal. also practise over head using pulling the
puddle & pushing it. hold the gun at different
angels get comfortable & use laethers & arm rest.
no one welds over head good uncomfortable & with
hot stuff burning youre arms you won't be steddy
or keap a constant speed. hot hot hot.

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