fixing flux core welds on a roll cage

by taylor
(janesville wisconsin)

i welded in my roll cage with a flux core mig welder. i then posted pictures of the welds and was told it will not pass tech that they are not strong enough to hold in a crash beacusre the flux is too dirty causing weak welds. can i just grind the welds down and reweld with argon sheilding gas to have less porissioty ,increased strenght, and cleaner welds?


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Apr 06, 2012
passing tech NEW
by: jake

you will need to grind/cut all of the flux welds off, you can't grind down welds on a roll cage, they must be untoched to pass tech

Mar 11, 2012
fixing flux core welds on a roll cage NEW
by: Anonymous

i can't see it being a problem as long as you grind most of the flux core weld off then i would definatly try wire wheeling most all the flux out of the weld joint so as not to get any porosity when you go over it with your bare wire. if the metal is thick enough i would possibly consider welding it with a 7018 stick welder. but i have had good luck either way.

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