FCAW-GS Contact Tube to Work Distance

by Anthony P. Phillips
(Metairie, Louisiana)

How do I determine the maximum and minimum: Contact Tube to Work Distance using .045" wire electrode?. Under a welder's hood it is next to impossible to determine distance in inches as suggested by some codes and standards. The wire feed and tube distance must some how be in the calculation. Please advise what standard or code will give me those parameters.


wtt respsonse,

i dont know why they make this so hard to find but lincoln has a bunch of pdf files with really good info.

you really have to drill down to find the good stuff.

click the link below and once there select a product similar to what you are using.

then select the right diameter wire.

then there will be an option for more product info. click that and review for all kinds of information on stickout and other parameters.

i know you may not be using lincoln wire, but it is a good starting point for any wire.
ctwd is what you are looking for.

i know you can accurately judge exact ctwd under the hood but you can do better if you are shooting for something rather than guessing.

lincoln flux core info

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Oct 21, 2010
Stick out
by: Mohamed

stick out Extension is Amp, if it long,amp,will reduce. or short the amp, will incrase.

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