This first video is comparing short circuit mig to dual shield flux core.
The main difference in technique is that with short circuit mig, I need to manipulate the arc quite a lot in order to penetrate into the root, and also prevent the weld from being too convex.
With dual shield flux core, no manipulation is needed and so therefore, its faster and easier to make a vertical uphill weld.
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This next video is comparing dual shield flux core to 7018 1/8" rods doing vertical uphill welds.
Dual shield is so much faster and looks better too.
The benefits of 7018 stick are that it can be done using very simple and portable equipment. and welding outside in windy conditions usually goes better with stick than with any process where shielding gas is needed.
This next video is testing out the esab rebel 285 using 3/16" diameter 7018 electrodes.
This machine is a multiprocess welder ...meaning it can do stick, mig, flux core, and lift arc DC tig.
I went as high as 230 amps on DCEP using a 3/16" 7018 while making a 3/4" multipass fillet weld.
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