Deca, Mig aluminium welding,

by ahmed al hallami
(AL Ain- United Arab Emirates)

ugly mig weld on aluminum

ugly mig weld on aluminum

Hi there,
I bought a new mig Welding machine (DECA, Italy) since one year, to weld diamond plate 1.5mm and 2mm.

The result is:
-Very Bad & Dirty welding.
-Black welding.
-Went Thru more than 50 Nozzle, and lose money, time and plate.

I need Help Please
Set Up the machine, welding speed & gas


I made a video on this topic recently, you can see it here...

mig welding aluminum tips

First things first.

Anything thinner than 3mm is tough to weld with mig....tig is better for thin stuff.

1.5mm and 2mm aluminum diamond plate is pretty thin for mig welding.

here are a few tips...

use .9 mm or smaller wire (.035" or smaller)
for that thickness aluminum sheet.

push dont pull whenever possible.

when soot appears , it means poor argon coverage.

( you are using pure argon ...right?)

gases used for mig welding steel will not work on aluminum,,,you need pure argon.

I shot this video recently on mig welding aluminum using a Hobart IronMan 230 machine.

I was having trouble with soot as well and found that by using a small piece of scotch brite as a diffuser, the shielding gas worked better and I got less soot.

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Jul 16, 2013
Your Aluminum Welding NEW
by: Bill

Looks like the project You are working on is Dirty.Aluminum needs to be clean and because Aluminum gets a coating due to Oxidization shortly after being processed You should give it a thorough Brushing with a Stainless Steel brush and a wiping off with a suitable solvent (Acetone ) before welding.Under 1/8' I use TIG as a rule.Never use the Brush on any other metals besides Aluminum.If You have the training there is no reason for You to be having any problems.Best thing I can recommend is to get Yourself into a School and get the training You require.

Dec 11, 2011
Deca, Mig aluminium welding NEW
by: Anonymous


Thanks a lot for your service,
Yes I used pure Aragon Gas 100%
I see your video.

Am very fine, every thing is fine.
But I have new problem

The problem is with Contact tip.

Is welding aluminum, without timer? (Timer is OFF)
But when I weld about 1" (one inch)
The wire feed is stopped (Jammed) in the end of Contact tip

I need Help

Dec 11, 2011
Deca, Mig aluminium welding NEW
by: Anonymous


Thanks a lot for your service,
Yes I used pure Aragon Gas 100%
I see your video.

Am very fine, every thing is fine.
But I have new problem

The problem is with Contact tip.

Is welding aluminum, without timer? (Timer is OFF)
But when I weld about 1" (one inch)
The wire feed is stopped (Jammed) in the end of Contact tip

I need Help

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