correct cfm for mig welding

by Steve From Ohio

I have been using flux core for many years and am new to Mig welding.

Question on the gas. I'm using argon co2 and I am finding that the cfm is a question for me.

First, when you first start welding, is the gas present at the tip or is there a short time that the gas is not present and is that part of the weld not as good as the rest?

Second, is there a rule of thumb for the correct gas pressure for migging different materials and thicknesses or is there just one setting for everything?



good question. the gas must get there pretty quick. i have never had issues with the beginning of the bead having defects unless something else was wrong.

the flow rate is more dependent on nozzle size and how breezy it is than any thing else.

there are different size nozzles and the bigger the nozzle , the more flow rate is required and vice versa.

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Sep 27, 2015
correct cfm for mig welding NEW
by: Dave Selover

if using 3/8 inch nozzle minimum cfm is 15 with 18-22 cfm is in normal range 30 cfm being the maximum setting.

if using 1/2 inch nozzle 18 cfm is minimum 22-27 cfm being in normal range and 40 is maximum cfm....

if it is a windy day go to maximum cfm setting or switch to "gasp" fluxcore.


Aug 09, 2014
Not a lot of help. NEW
by: T

Sorry but if your going to bother to respond to this question how about a broad range at least so people have some kind of idea where to start at. I do love your website and have learned a lot of very useful information. Hopefully you don't take this the wrong way its just I'm having a hard time finding a starting point and have found this page threw search engines multiple times. Thanks for the time and effort you put into the site and videos.

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