Clear TIG Cups


I was very skeptical about clear tig cups when I first saw them at Fabtech.

But when I experimented with a clear cup for a video of an arc shot, I learned quickly that they not only help me film a clear arc shot, but I see better too.

It's not just that you need to see thru the cup although that does come in handy in tight spots.

The real benefit for me is that the glowing tungsten up inside the clear cup is just like a light bulb that lights everything up and helps you see where you are going better.

I don't use clear cups all the time.  But when I switch back to a pink ceramic cup, it is like someone dimmed the lights. 

Clear cups are not very good for walking the cup and they break if your torch gets dragged off the table. But for those times when you need to weld in a corner or something prevents you from seeing the puddle, clear tig cups can really help.

Lucky 7 combo kit with one clear 7 cup and a pink ceramic #7 with mounting hardware for 17 torch

tig kits banner 1

#8 pro clear cup on 17 air cooled torch using furick adapter kit


jazzy 10 clear cup lighting up the path

jazzy10 clear cup padding beads carbon

#8 pro cup with adapter kit for 17/18/26 style tig torch

7 pro store product image

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