best voltage amperage wirefeed settings 3/4" mild steel

by garett
(richmond va USA)

I am mig welding with a miller big blue 400 and suitcase extreme 12 wire feeder . On a t weld of 3/4" mild steel vertical piece is beveld to nearly a quarter plate thickness. 75/25 gas mix.

cannot get the settings right to make a proper weld. What should i set the wire feed speed voltage amperage to for my first and second passes.


I am thinking about 20 volts and close to 300 ipm of wire speed with .035" er70s wire will be close.

its a good starting point anyway. adjust wire speed to sound smooth with no popping and no stubbing and very little weld spatter

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Jul 18, 2011
mild steel yield strength
by: rajyenranjan

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