Automated Plasma Steel Cutting is getting affordable


plasma CNC - plasma Cam cnc operated plasma cutter table

Automated plasma steel cutting is gaining momentum for welding shops and other small business owners ..because of the income potential with a cnc plasma machine. According to owners of cnc automated plasma cutters, having this capability opens up all kinds of opportunities for them. Being able to precision cut parts out of steel, aluminum, and stainless steel lets them compete with much bigger shops. And for welding shops, it saves money from not having to subcontract complex cutting jobs.

Plasma Cam is another manufacturer of plasma cnc controlled cutters. Like Dynatorch, they advertise use of servo motors instead of stepper motors. Digital torch height control is another useful feature that is part of the Plasma Cam cutting systems. It allows the cutting tip to hover a precise distance above the metal, allowing it to move up and down to follow variations in the sheet. This may not sound like a big deal, but for cutting tread plate or metal that has bends in it, it is a completely necessary feature.

Plasma Cam cnc cutting tables utilize a boom arm to keep the hoses and cables out of the way. And the metal table comes in a modular kit.

Another good feature is that a hand held plasma torch can be used. I am not sure why you would want to, but I guess it might save you from having to purchase a separate straight machine torch. Most businesses will want to dedicated a separate torch for automated cnc plasma cutting.

One comment on the YouTube video mentions that new plasma cutting nozzles are needed frequently and are expensive. That is why a lot of businesses opt to use oxyfuel torches for thicker steel.

Just a few of the uses for a plasma cnc cutter like this are :

ornamental iron

signs and lettering

frontier art

geometric shapes

hvac ductwork

precision sheet metal cuts

cnc plasma art like a plasma cutting border collie

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