attend welding test

by John

i'm working in the bahamas. i would like to attend welding test in US. how will i apply for the test. also would like to know the details of the test.


Basically there are 2 main options to take a welding certification test in the US.

1. apply for a job where the certification test is part of the entry requirements. if you apply, and are deemed qualified to take the hire in test, you might be able to get detailed test information about size and material type of joint, process, test stipulations etc.

option 2 is to arrange a test at an accredited test facility. the AWS american welding society has accredited test facilities (ATF's) that administer certification tests.

here is a link to the list of ATF's

you might also contact Hobart Institute of Welding Technology as they are an accredited test facility with years of experience certifying welders.

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