
6g flux core uphill

by Jeff
(Montgomery, Tx.)

I have to take a 6g hard wire down and flux core up. Can you give me some tips on the flux core. I have run a lot of flux core but never on such a small OD pipe. I am having problems getting my passes in right. Thanks.


the best tip i can give is to always plan ahead.
when stacking beads in a pipe or plate, always give room for that last bead ...even if its a bit more than enough room. you can always go a bit slower and fill, but its hard to burn in if you didnt leave yourself enough space. too tight a groove from stacking that second to the last bead in each pass makes it impossible to burn in and requires grinding which is not always allowed.

also, turn the machine off and take several dry runs paying attention to how your body needs to move and re position in order to maintain a decent gun angle and line of sight to the puddle.

good luck

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