
2G, 3G and 4G open butt 3/8 plate

by New Welder Woman
(Robertsdale, AL)

what settings would you recommend for a pr-employment test using 3/32 9018 and 1/8 9018 Flu core rods for 3/8 carbon steel 3/8 plates 1/4 inch backing. Also wire is similar tensile strength unfortunately I don't have more details on wire, but it is definitely harder to flatten/manipulate than 71T .052 wire, same plates as above for the GMAW part of the test. The wire Tests I need to pass are also 2G, 3G, and 4G my guess is 90T or 91T??? wire any guidance will help. Passing X-ray is required for the GMAW tests. Please Help :-)


as for the stick tests with 9018, usually around 85 -90 amps for the 3/32 rods root pass.

100-120 amps for 1/8 rods depending on position
105 for vertical, somewhere closer to 115 for 2g and 4g.

wire is a little more complicated but if you are pretty sure that is is 90t or 91t, I have found the lincoln web site to be helpful with spec sheets for fux core wire.

also the millerwelds.com calculator can help get you in the ball park.

most of the time it is really helpful to know the exact brand and spec of the welding wire and then pull up the manufacturers sheet on it. Sometimes lincoln and others are dead nuts with recommended settings.

here is an example sheet...you will need to scroll thru it to find the sample chart for e71-t flux core


for bare wire, it is really going to depend on the gas you are required to use.

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