
233, 232, coreshield 8?

I was running those at 26.6 and speeds between 296 and 308 , but for the miller flux core machine, what do you run the LN25's at with 233, for vertical, overhead and flat, thanks?!


I really can answer that accurately.

this is why i recommend using a stopwatch and tape measure to record wire speed settings that work.

that way you can go to another machine and duplicate the wire speed.
the tape measure does not get out of calibration but all wire feeders seem to be different.

if you have a chance to use the miller again, either count off 6 seconds with the trigger pulled and measure it rounding to the nearest whole inch. then add a zero and that is your speed.

example 28 inches = 280 ipm

sorry not to have a better answer...i have not used a lincoln feeder in several years.

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Sep 16, 2015
Running wire NEW
by: Anonymous

An old welder taught me awhile back that if you set your machine to run a gangsta vertical, you can then run all positions...

Feb 01, 2015
ultra core 7, 233, 232 .45 NEW
by: Anonymous

Thank you Dan Burns. Your comment was helpful. R Graham.

Jan 19, 2012
Ln 25 settings NEW
by: Dan Burns

Hello, I weld with the ln 25 for 10 hrs a day 6days a week. I use an ultracore 7 series wire( .45 ). Most of the welding is out of position on carbon steel ranging from about 3/8 to 1 inch. My machine is usually set to around 30v and 400 ipm. Sometimes I find that running 450 to 475 ipm works better depending on the situation. These settings are used for all types of welds such as flat an vertical fillets as well as v groove on plates and non movable pipe welds with proper rooting. By non movable I mean fixed pipe welded from bottom to top. I weld large industrial water tanks and all parts that go with it. Any questions just email me at dburnsy@embarqmail.com

May 08, 2011
coreshield on ln25
by: Anonymous

There's a couple of varience involved(I'm an ironworker not a speller) but I try to see what the box is reading a lot of times ill have the machine set at 26 plus but the box is only reading 20 21 I use coreshield in the ln25 the wirespeed seems a lil high though. My wire speed is between 100 and 120. This wire loves to run hot so you can't dump wire into the weld like you would 211.....lincoln and esab both have little guid books that I like to carry around they'll give you the basic guidlines for the wire like I said though your machine might say 26v but if your running electric in a shop though and the power supply is a lil old the box will read a lot lower wich I amagin is the case cause I believe the range is 20.5 to 25v try to get a product book from a weld shop though that will confirm

Apr 07, 2011
by: Anonymous

Thanks for your answer to speed adjustment but what was your setting 26.6 flat?

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