
2% Lanthanated tungsten, where?

by Robert
(Hawks Prairie, Wa)

The video that compared all the different tungstens was great. I'm having a hard time finding 2% lanthanated though. My local weld shops keep wanting to sell me 1.5% and say it's basically the same stuff. They don't have 2%. I'm interested in switching over from thoriated. Where do you get yours?


I get mine from Airgas

I believe you can order it online at Airgas.com

For me, 2% is much better than 1.5% lanth

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Aug 10, 2011
2% Lanthanated
by: Philli Phil

Welding supplier here in New Orleans, LA. didn't have a clue of what I was talking about so tried Air-Gas web site and purchased a pack of ten haven't missed a beat. Some of my brother members are still using Thoriated Tungsten giving the radioactive/cancer concerns change is hard....!

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