Amazin Blaze Heatin ana Beatin Welding Service - Glen David Thornton


Welding anything from the crack of dawn to a broken heart

Someone sent me this as email attachment a few years ago. I finally found the video and here it is for your entertainment.

The guys name is Glen David Thornton but he says his friends call him "Amazin Blaze".

He is from Alabama, welds for a living and plays music on the side... In less than 30 seconds you can tell he has been around the welding block more than a few times.

Those of us that have worked for years as a welder can relate to most everything he says.

" I weld long arc, short arc, heliarc, and in the dark... Fit for 4 welders...Weld for 4 fitters."

I especially like this one... "If you don't like the way I do it, I'll let you try it".

Anyway , I'll keep this short.

Just enjoy the video, and laugh a little. Life is too short.

P.S. If you know someone else who could use a laugh, just highlight and copy the url up top in the address bar and paste it in an email to them.

Everyone of us can use a laugh these days.

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